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Safety of Abortion


Here at Equality Health Center, we provide safe, legal medical and surgical abortions in a private modernized historic building. All of our providers are licensed and have superior training and experience in performing ultrasounds and abortions.

Abortion is one of the most common medical procedures performed in the United States each year. More than 25% of all women will end a pregnancy by abortion at some time in their reproductive lives. There is a great deal of myth and misinformation about the safety of abortion, but in fact there are fewer medical risks associated with abortion than with a full-term pregnancy and delivery.

Facts About Abortion

  • Early abortion is one of the safest of all medical procedures.  We have performed surgical abortions at Equality Health Center since 1974, and medical abortions since 2000.
  • Nationally and at Equality Health Center, less than 1% of abortions result in complications.
  • Most complications are minor and do not have adverse long-term effects on health or fertility.
  • There is no greater risk with two or more abortions than there is with one abortion.

Abortion Risks and Complications

  • Medication side effects:  You may experience nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, slight fever (100 degrees or less) and/or chills (shaking). These are normal side effects of the medications as well as of the process your body is going through.
  • Allergic reaction:  An allergy to one of the medications may result in hives, rash, or breathing difficulty.
  • Incomplete abortion: Pregnancy tissue remaining in the uterus may cause pain, heavy bleeding, and infection.  Surgical removal of the tissue may be required.
  • Continued pregnancy:  If the medications fail to end the pregnancy and it continues, there is a risk of damage to the developing fetus from exposure to the abortion medications.  In this case, surgical abortion is recommended.

Myths About Abortion

Anti-abortion activists claim that having an abortion increases the risk of developing breast cancer and endangers future childbearing. They claim that people who have abortions without complications will still have difficulty conceiving or carrying a pregnancy, will develop ectopic (outside of the uterus) pregnancies, will deliver stillborn babies, or will become sterile. However, none of these claims are supported by medical research or established medical organizations.

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