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Gender Affirming Hormone Therapy

General Info

Gender Affirming Hormone Therapy (GAHT), otherwise known as Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT), is available at Equality Health Center. Hormone therapy is when a medical provider prescribes someone hormones that their body doesn’t make and/or medicine that blocks the hormones that their body does make.

We developed our protocols based on a review of current standards of care. We recognize that individuals are able to make sound medical decisions regarding their bodies when given the appropriate health information to do so.

There isn’t a one-size-fits-all approach to this transitioning process.

Equality Health Center is a certified WPATH (World Professional Association For Transgender Health) provider.

What to Expect At Your Appointment

At your initial appointment you will meet with the provider to

  • Discuss your medical and social history
  • Discuss your goals for hormone therapy
  • Orient your expectations from our practice
  • Review our informed consent paperwork
  • Have labs performed

You will then be scheduled for a follow up appointment two weeks later to

  • Discuss your lab results
  • Discuss the plan for your care


Estrogen is a hormone that is found at the highest levels in someone who was assigned female at birth. Estrogen should not be taken by anyone who has a history of an estrogen-dependent cancer or blood clots that could or did travel to the lungs. It is usually taken along with Spironolactone, which blocks testosterone, the male sex hormone.


Testosterone is the sex hormone that makes certain features appear typically male. It builds muscle and causes the development of facial hair and a deeper voice. It is usually given by injection every 2 to 4 weeks. It is not used as a pill because the body cannot absorb it properly.

There may be some unwanted swings in hormone levels which can be controlled by changing the timing or amount of the testosterone dose. Testosterone should not be used by anyone who is pregnant or has uncontrolled coronary artery disease.

These two links from the University of California, San Francisco Center of Excellence for Transgender Health provide detailed descriptions of the effects of hormone therapy.

UCSF Transgender Care: Information on Estrogen Hormone Therapy

UCSF Transgender Care: Information on Testosterone Hormone Therapy


The following are also excellent transgender and gender non-conforming resources:

Gender-Affirmative Resources in NH and surrounding areas

Transgender Bibliography list Informative information and resources for transgender individuals The National Center for Transgender Equality (NCTE) is a non-profit social justice organization dedicated to advancing the equality of transgender people through advocacy, collaboration, and empowerment. WPATH’s mission is to promote evidence based care, education, research, advocacy, public policy and respect in transgender health. Highly respected international org who set standards of medical care Increasing access to comprehensive, effective, and affirming healthcare services for transgender and gender-variant communities

PFLAG Transgender Reading List for Adults Forge works to educate and advocate for the rights and lives of transgender individuals and SOFFAs (Significant Others, Friends, Family, and Allies). Helping move fragmented communities beyond identity politics and forge a movement that embraces and empowers our diverse complexities. The GLBT National Help Center is a 20 year-old non-profit organization, which operates the GLBT National Youth Talkline. The Trans Teens Online Talk Group is a live, moderated group chat for trans youth ages 12 thru 19, operating each Wednesday from 4-6 pm, pacific time. This new program is designed to be a safe place that allows trans youth to talk freely about concerns and issues, with others their own age, providing support for one another, and helping each other know they are not alone.

Please call our office if you would like to schedule an appointment.


Equality Health Center is proud to partner with Avita Pharmacy, an online pharmacy specializing in HIV care, gender-affirming hormone therapy and sexual wellness. Avita makes it easy to get your prescriptions with personalized support, financial assistance options, and seamless medication delivery.

Want to switch to Avita? Call us or let us know at your next visit—we’re happy to help!

 Learn more about Avita Pharmacy: