STI Testing & Treatment
About STIs

Equality Health Center offers nonjudgmental and confidential sexually transmitted infection (STI) testing to individuals with or without insurance.
Who should be tested?
- Anyone who is sexually active or has been sexually active in the past. (40% of people who have a sexually transmitted infection do not have any symptoms).
- Anyone experiencing symptoms that they think could be related to an STI.
- Anyone who has had sexual contact with someone who has tested positive for an STI.
- Anyone who wants to know their status.
Did you know? In New Hampshire, teens 14 years and older can consent to HIV and STI testing and treatment without a parent’s or guardian’s consent.
“STI Special” – this screening has a set fee and does not include a physical exam with the practitioner. It is available to individuals without symptoms who are currently uninsured or who do not want to use their current health insurance. It includes:
- Rapid HIV: blood draw, results available in 10 minutes
- Chlamydia: urine test, results usually available in 5 to 7 business days
- Gonorrhea: urine test, results usually available in 5 to 7 business days
- Syphilis: blood draw, results usually available in 5 to 7 business days
- Additional tests are available at an additional cost.
Additional Screening Tests available:
- Hepatitis C: blood draw, results usually in 5 to 7 business days
- Chlamydia: rectal and oral test, results usually in 5 to 7 business days
- Gonorrhea: rectal and oral test, results usually in 5 to 7 business days
- Pap and /or HPV test (for this you need to schedule a physical exam & office visit with the practitioner)
If you are scheduled for STI testing because you have a physical symptom of infection that needs to be evaluated by the practitioner, your appointment could involve any of the following:
- Physical, visual evaluation of the presenting symptoms which may include any of the following: pelvic exam, speculum exam, penile and testicular exam, rectal exam, throat exam
- Collection of cells at suspected site of infection
- Collection of blood to test for antibodies
- Any tests the practitioner thinks are appropriate after reviewing your medical history
- Resources and referrals as needed to reduce your future risk of infection
For test results, please let the practitioner or health worker you meet with know the best way for us to contact you with test results.
STI Specific Info
Download/Print the below STI Chart.
STI Chart 1
STI Chart 2